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Tyna Daley Walenski

Who are you?

Tyna Daley Walenski (49)

Where are you from?

Just outside Boston, MA (USA)

When did you discover Puddle of Mudd?

I discovered Puddle of Mudd right after Come Clean came out. Before that I had been a huge Aerosmith fan. POM stole my heart and I haven't looked back since!

Have you seen the band live yet?

I've seen POM probably 20 times and I've met Wes 4 or 5 times.

Who is your favorite member?

Wesley Reid Scantlin

What is your favorite song?

All of them! But if I had to choose a few...Away From Me, Abrasive and I love Migraine because I suffer terrible migraines. And Blurry has been my ringtone on my phone for so long that, whenever I hear it, I automatically reach for my phone!

What is your favorite memory with Puddle of Mudd?

My favorite POM memory is one of the shows they did at the Hampton Beach Ballroom in New Hampshire. Wes was on fire that night and we got there early to get front row. It was magical!!!!


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